Page 30 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 30

Travis LaDuke                        A Continually &

                                                               Permanently Blessed Life

                                                               by Travis LaDuke

                                             grandparents for the rest of my     newspaper with the headlines,
                                             childhood.  After moving to         “THE WAR IS OVER!”  I was
                                             Wellman, I played basketball        always grateful for the atomic
                                             during my early junior high school   bomb.  Perhaps it saved MY life
                                             years.  We moved to Vernon, Texas   and thousands of other soldiers.  I
                                             for my high school junior year. I   received my discharge papers in
                                             graduated in 1943 and was drafted   March of 1946.  I was given the
                                             into the Army in 1944, during       Combat Infantry badge and the
                                             WWII.  I was in the Army for two    Bronze Star.
                                             years, eight days and nine hours!   After coming back home, I was
                                             I was sent to basic training at Ft.   offered a job in Tulia, Texas where
                                             Hood, Texas and then assigned       I met my bride-to-be, Helen Inez
                                             to the Combat Unit, 20th Armed      Burrow.  She urged me to attend
                                             Division in 1945.  We sailed        college.  I enrolled at Hardin-
                                             overseas to France, then to Munich,   Simmons University with the help
                                             Germany.  I was involved in the     of the G.I. Bill.
                                             liberation of the Nazi concentration   In the spring, during a revival held
                   y life began on September   camp in Dachau, Germany in April   at the University, I surrendered to
                   15, 1925 in O’Brien,      of 1945.  We were warned that there   preach the Gospel in 1945.  I was
          MTexas when I was born             were Nazis hiding behind every      called to Longworth Baptist to
          to Gussie Rex and Leland LaDuke.   tree.  Our sergeant spotted an SS   preach full-time, but they had no
          They had two boys and one girl,    officer who had killed one of his   building.  I needed $12,000 dollars
          but my father died when I was      soldiers.  I remember seeing him    for a building and $1,200 dollars
          three months old. Some of my       shoot the SS officer six times. The   for a piano and song books.  A man
          earliest memories were of lonely   Nazis ran, and we did not have to   came up to me (might have been an
          days; many times, I felt forsaken   cross over into the Nazi protected   Angel) and said he would loan the
          and sad.  At the age of four, my   area.  After that incident, we were   money to us!
          mother remarried.  My stepfather   shipped across the Blue Danube
          didn’t seem to like me much. I was   River and into Austria.  We felt   During my time pastoring there,
          required to work at an early age to   like we were living a life of luxury   our four children were born; Shelia,
          help support the family. I attended   in Austria; no tents or sleeping on   Shirley, Sheryl and Shane.
          school in O’Brien for three years,   the ground for us; we stayed in   In 1977, we moved to Amarillo;
          then we moved to Beattie, Texas,   hotels! After six weeks in Austria,   ministering to people was our
          a small community in Comanche      we sailed across the ocean for five   calling.  Helen began teaching in
          County. I enjoyed sports and       days.  We landed in New York City   River Road, but I was called to
          school. In 7th grade, I was involved   and were treated to a BIG STEAK!  the ministry.  I was hired as the
          in Entremets Scholastic tryouts.    Our next move was to board a train   Avondale Baptist Church pastor.
          In the competition, I won first in   to San Antonio, Texas.  The train   Tascosa Baptist could not find
          tennis, math and picture memory.   was traveling so fast that a G.I.   a pastor, so we combined both
          My life was quite difficult living   could not even get off the train to   churches to become Wolflin Avenue
          with my mother and stepfather,     buy a pint of whiskey! Arriving     Baptist Church.  I served on the
          so I went to live with my maternal   in San Antonio, a man held up a   land development committee for

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