Page 28 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Summer 2019- Online Magazine
P. 28
to Age Successfully by Donna Alexander
ften, when I meet Begin the project by objectively areas being easily accessible. And
vintage Americans, I’m assessing your current situation. contemplate if that is likely to be
Oemphatically told that they Consider the size, age, condition, convenient for you as you age.
don’t need my services because layout, and location of your home.
they intend to stay in their homes While the house may have been Lastly, when considering your
‘forever’. They go on to say they’ll appropriate earlier in life, many current home, think of the location.
never leave their house and intend senior clients now find themselves For seniors, it’s important to
to take care of themselves till death. with too much space and too feel safe in their home and their
But there is a difference in defiantly many rooms. This unneeded space neighborhood. With diminished
staying in their current home and is increasing the cost of utilities, response times, seniors feel more
in making a strategic plan to live requiring more time cleaning and vulnerable and are more concerned
independently for as long as is safe adding to the tax liability. Not with personal safety. Additionally,
and comfortable. By assessing the to mention, unused rooms are a the need for alternate transportation
situation, considering the options, magnet for clutter. increases. Ideally, a neighborhood
developing a long-term plan and great for seniors would be walkable
following that plan, one has a much Next, think about the age of the - with lots of clean, level sidewalks,
better chance of successfully aging home. At some point, the need for bus stops and abundant lighting.
in place. One surefire approach is maintenance and repair outpaces Proximity to medical care and
‘right-sizing’. the economic value of staying in shopping is also high on the list of
the house. Like needed repairs, needs.
As we journey through life, we cleaning becomes more difficult,
are constantly adjusting to a new and the larger the house, the harder If your current home seems
normal. We alter our clothes, cars, it seems to keep it clean. If clutter unlikely to support you as you
habits, activities, etc. so that we and repair issues continue to age, contemplate moving into a
can more easily carry out the tasks accumulate, for whatever reason, smaller, more ‘right-sized’ home.
of day to day living as our lives they gradually become a detriment By right-sizing, you may be able to
change. Think of your cars, your to you and your home’s well-being. retain your independence for many
furniture, even your clothes! We’ve years longer. After all, there will
been ‘right-sizing’ our whole lives. When studying the layout of be another new normal one day,
It only makes sense to ‘right-size’ your current home, ask yourself and with careful planning, you can
our home as we continue this if the home is comfortable, with make the most of it.
journey. bedrooms, bathrooms and living
28 Amarillo Senior Link