Page 25 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Summer 2019- Online Magazine
P. 25
body in the 1980s. Trinity Lutheran the seventh largest interesting to dialogue
Church in Great Bend, led by Pastor Christian denomination "From little on with people in other
Bob, left to join a new church body. in the United States and up, I basked in the parts of the world;
Pastor Bob became Bishop Bob the largest Lutheran mercy of God." each visit was special,"
of the Association of Evangelical denomination in the commented Bishop
Lutheran Churches in 1987. As United States. Bishop Bob.
Bishop, he traveled throughout Bob became bishop of
Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and the Oklahoma-Arkansas Synod of He retired from his position as
Texas. He was awarded an honorary the ELCA in 1988. He served on bishop in 1994 but continued to
doctorate by numerous national serve congregations in the Tulsa,
Christ Seminary/ committees for the Oklahoma area. He now resides in
Seminex, which church and traveled Amarillo at Brookdale Med Park
was created by to Mexico and West. His hobbies include fishing,
former Concordia England to promote stamp collecting, writing humorous
Seminary staff relationships poetry and enjoying his family. His
and professors. with Christians in father, grandfather, brother, and
In January 1988, those countries. uncle were all Lutheran pastors.
the AELC joined "I enjoyed parish Perhaps, sometimes, pastoring can
with other ministry, and I be a family calling. When asked
Lutheran church enjoyed being a to reflect upon his life, he replied,
bodies to form bishop. Pastors "From little on up, I basked in the
the Evangelical and people were mercy of God. God has richly
Lutheran Church kind and received blessed me with a family and
in America us openly when many church members who have
or ELCA. It is we visited. It was supported me."
Amarillo Senior Link 25