Page 32 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Summer 2019- Online Magazine
P. 32
A Tribute to Larry and
Melinda Ewing
by Emily Ewing Arnett
them in the daughters and a son: Elisa, Emily,
faith. They and Austin. Dad had his own
attended and insurance agency in Lubbock, and
graduated from Mom worked hard at home as a
Texas Tech housewife.
University but
not before they The most valuable, lasting gift and
had their first legacy that my parents have given
meeting on the us kids is a knowledge and love
stairs of the for the Bible and Jesus. They took
Human Science us to church every time the doors
Building. were open, but more importantly,
Dad noticed they taught us the Word and
Melinda’s Scripture memory at home. This gift
hatever happened to the “cute, outgoing was passed down from previous
days when things were personality; she was always generations, and now their children
Wmade to last? Even in smiling.” Mom recalled being are passing it down to the seven
those “good ol’ days”, nothing was attracted to Larry’s sense of humor grandchildren (Haley, Avery,
made incorruptible. My mom says, that continually made her laugh. Emmy-Kate, Carter, Taylor, Charlie
“There are only two things that will (This humor would later become and Jordan).
last forever . . . God’s Word and known as his
people.” This is exactly how my “dad jokes”.)
parents have lived their lives. On their fourth
date, Larry let
Larry Ewing and Melinda Melinda know
Austin Ewing were born in the that they would
late 1940s and raised in loving, be getting
Christian homes in Lubbock and married, to
Amarillo respectively. My dad which Mom said
was the son of an associate pastor, she would prove
and my mother’s father was an him otherwise!
accomplished businessman. Both They were, in
Larry and Melinda had godly fact, married on
mothers who worked hard to raise May 23, 1970
and had two
32 Amarillo Senior Link