Page 33 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Summer 2019- Online Magazine
P. 33

As a couple, Larry and Melinda      one year, then decided to return
          served in the university department   permanently.  Larry later said, “We
          for thirty-six years at FBC Lubbock,   sold the business of 34 years, the
          teaching Sunday School and          house of 30 years, the cars, gave
          investing in the lives of Tech      our daughter the dog, kissed the
          students. My childhood memories     kids and grandkids goodbye and
          include many dinners with a house   returned to Hungary to serve long
          full of hungry college students,    term.”  This decision was simply
          enjoying a homecooked meal,         an act of surrender to the plan
          which often included Mexican        that God had for their lives; God
          casserole.  We also went as a family   has a different calling for every
          for nine consecutive years with     believer. Their Hungarian home
          the FBC college department on       church grew, a high school group
          mission trips to Utah to share the   was formed, and flourished, and
          hope of knowing Jesus personally.   multiple individuals were saved,
          I watched Mom and Dad cook          discipled and trained to continue
          countless meals and work very hard   the ministry on their own.
          physically on those trips, investing
          once again in people.               In 2016, God called them back to   holidays, going for visits, helping
                                              Texas! Instead of retiring, they   with homework, and leaving a
          In 2003, my brother, Austin,        have carried on their ministry to   godly heritage. Forty-nine years
          saw an advertisement from the       college students. They currently   later, Mom is still laughing at those
          International Mission Board seeking   are leaders in the Navigator     “dad jokes”! Life is not always
          full time missionaries to go to     organization at West Texas A&M     easy; there are mountain tops and
          Hungary to share the Gospel and     University in Canyon, TX. It is their   valleys, but God is always faithful.
          to start home group Bible studies   joy to continue teaching the Bible,
          for university students.  He told   discipling, mentoring and feeding   “Do not lay up for yourself treasures
          my parents, “You love God’s Word,   the age group they love so much.   upon Earth . . . But lay up for yourself
          love college students, and love                                        treasures in Heaven…”
          having them in your home. Why       Larry and Melinda continue to      Matthew 6:19-20
          don’t you go to a place where they   invest in their own children and
          don’t have opportunities to hear the   grandchildren’s lives by hosting
          Good News?  If you take that first
          step of faith, God will open every

                                                               8 0 6 . 3 5 8 . 2 4 7 2                   9    C A R E    C I R .
          That is exactly what happened.
          Larry and Melinda went to
          Hungary and quickly formed
          relationships with the Hungarian
          students by helping them practice
          conversational English, teaching
          the Bible verse by verse. Students                     M    A    K  E      M   E     S   m   i l  e
          began to find faith in Jesus, and
          their home meetings became a
          house church! They were there for
          two years initially, came home for
                                                               D R .    E D D Y    S A U E R  D R .    N A T H A N I E L    A V I R E T T

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