Page 7 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021 - Online Magazine
P. 7

        “    Al and Pat are the definition

             of joyful givers. They give
             because of who they are. They
             are people with deeply held
             Kingdom convictions and
             an overall sense of gratitude
             for God’s blessing in their
             lives. Generosity just flows
             out of their hearts as a result.
             You cannot be around them
             without catching some of
             their gratitude-fueled joy.

             -Lubbock Christian
             University President,            was transferred, and Al was       friends, and church. They have
             Scott McDowell                   traveling much of the time, so most   three sons, ten grandchildren, and
                                              of the manual labor was left to the
                                                                                eleven great-grandchildren. The
            The Cabot Corporation in   ”      Smith’s teenage sons. Pat drove the   family loves traveling together and
                                                                                has taken many trips to interesting
                                              boys every day after school to the
            Pampa found a stellar employee in   “oil patch” to complete their dad’s   places like the Galapagos Islands
            the young man, and he stayed with   list of chores. All three boys ended   and a dude ranch in Montana. The
            them for 32 years.  During those   up in oil-related businesses. Al   Lockney High School alums also
            three decades, Al had a two-year   says Pat is the major force behind   make it a point to meet regularly
            assignment in Germany (where the   the family story.  She always    with fellow classmates from the
            boys were able to attend school),   supported Al in his work and was   LHS Class of ’53.
            over three years in Brazil, more   a wonderful mother to the three
            than four years in France, and    boys.                             Their love for other cultures has
            some time in Atlanta. Al’s work                                     never waned, and they have
            took him to 20 different countries,   In 1987, after a short stint with   now traveled to 130 countries.
            and the family loved experiencing   another company in Dallas and   They especially love visiting
            all the different cultures. During   Denver, Al resigned, and he and   the missions supported by
            their time abroad, Pat worked with   Pat moved to Amarillo.  Around   Central Church of Christ, where
            the American Women’s Club and     that time, David saw an           they have attended for many
            International Women’s Club. She   opportunity to expand their oil   years. Recently, they took their
            learned German, Portuguese, and   business, and he and his father   two 16-year-old granddaughters
            French because she loved being    went into partnership together,   to Japan. Following in their
            able to communicate with people.   operating 400-500
            Before moving to Brazil, they lived   wells. “That was
            in Pampa from 1957-79, and their   fun,” Al says of
            sons Mike, Charles, and David     his second career,
            all graduated from Pampa High     which came to an
            School. Pat worked as the church   end when they
            secretary and was a member of     sold the business in
            the Pampa Garden Club and the     2010.
            20th Century Cotillion Study Club
            which regularly raised funds for   Today, the
            the WTAMU Opportunity Plan.       Smith’s lives are
                                              centered around
            A friend in Pampa asked Al to     children, family,
            go into the oil business with
            him. Unfortunately, or maybe
            fortunately, the partner

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