Page 3 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Online Magazine
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Remember the old saying – “Hindsight is 2020”? Well, we have finally arrived
at the end of that year. Surely, we are all glad the year is over and hopeful that
the New Year will bring some much-needed joy, in the form or good health and the
greater freedom to move about the cabin!
This edition of Senior Link completes two years of our magazine in Amarillo. It
has been a joy to get to visit with several of you who have reached out to me.
I always appreciate hearing your comments about what speaks to you in our
pages and the new ideas you have for future issues. We are slowly making some
of those changes as you will see in this
edition – a new recipe page, a crossword
puzzle, and some other resources that
we think you’ll find beneficial. We hope
that, as you read, you’ll come up with
some other features you’d like to see. In
particular, we would love to promote
local authors in a book nook, recipes from
our readers, wisdom on grandparenting,
family traditions as well as anything else
you have to offer. In addition, we are
always looking for seniors who have a
story that needs to be told.
In this edition, we hope you enjoy the
love stories, and the stories honoring
some of the small business owners in the
area. Especially during the first quarter
of the year, we need to remember to
support our local businesses. As a small
business owner, myself, I can vouch for
them that the struggle is real. That is
one of the reasons we are so grateful to
our sponsors. As you look through the
magazine, please make a point to call
some of our advertisers and say “Thanks”
(whether you use their services or not.) In the midst of this crisis, they thought enough of you as readers to
help make this issue happen.
We are praying and believing that 2021 will be a year of restoration and new beginnings. It’s more important
than ever that we stay “linked” together. We look forward to hearing from you.
Erin Agee
The Mission of Senior Link
Our mission is to tell the stories of local seniors, not only to honor them,
but also to inspire and challenge younger generations. We endeavor to link
seniors with the resources they need to ensure quality of life. We believe in
the strength of the chain, in linking with one another, and in linking all of
us to information which can enhance our lives. We recognize the value of
every season of life and the uniqueness of every story. Senior Link’s mission
rests in the power of connection.