Page 27 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Summer 2020- Online Magazine
P. 27

greets everyone who walks into the office or calls on the   During one three-year period, RSVP had a grant to
         phone with a smile, (I promise, one can see it through the   visit new moms in the hospitals and enroll them in a
         phone!), and she knows just the right questions to ask   program for childhood immunizations.  Gloria dealt
         to get a conversation started.  She listens.  She engages.    directly with all the volunteers, coordinating their
         She makes a special effort to draw out those who are a   efforts to put packets together and deliver them to each
         bit standoffish and finds a way to develop a friendship.    new mom.  Consistently through the years, Gloria has
         Admittedly, she has “never met a stranger”.  So, it’s not   given herself to the volunteers.  “I like everything I do,”
         surprising that Gloria has developed close relationships   she emphasized.  I followed that statement up with a
         with volunteers through the years.  She has been the   question about her current working conditions.  “It’s
         face of RSVP to many and has welcomed them into an     been hard,” she shared of working from home.  “I miss
         organization of volunteers by learning of their talents   the busyness of the office.  I miss the volunteers.  But
         and aspirations and encouraging them to discover even   I’m keeping in contact with the volunteers.  One of my
         more about themselves through volunteering.  Her       jobs has been to call all 700 of our volunteers and check
         desire to make friends and develop close relationships   on them.  I’m about halfway through the list because I
         does have a bit of a downside.  As she primarily works   love to talk!  I want to really find out how each of them is
         with men and women who are 55 and older, Gloria has    doing.  I want them to know we really care about them.”
         had to say good-bye to many of her friends through the
         years, and that has left her with holes in her heart.  Even during this time of working from home and social
                                                                distancing, Gloria continues to be intentional about
         During her 23-year tenure with RSVP, Gloria has seen   showing care and concern for all of her “friends.”
         changes in the organization.  She remembers the first   She is obviously flourishing.  I asked if she had ever
         office in a house at Adams and 7th.  “That building    experienced anything during her life that she believed
         housed our offices, and it also had a kitchen.  We had   prepared her for the upheaval we’ve experienced the last
         a volunteer who cooked almost every day, feeding       few months.  “Oh,” she says, “I’ve never seen anything
         the volunteers who worked there.”  Back in those       like this.  But, I’m very strong-willed.  Because of that
         days, RSVP handled much of the bulk mail service for   and my tenacity for life, I don’t let things get the best
         businesses in Amarillo, often preparing up to 6,000-piece   of me.  I shrug my shoulders, tighten my belt and go
         mailings.  “There were always volunteers in the office,”   on.  As always, though, I stay busy.  I can’t sit still, so
         Gloria added. “Our volunteers have always been         I always have a project to work on.  And my children,
         generous with their time and very loving – always happy   grandchildren, nieces and nephews help, too.  They call
         to be at the office or any of our volunteer stations.”   to check on me and encourage me to stay safe.”

                                                                                   As Gloria shared some of her
                                                                                   secrets and wisdom, I realized that
                                                                                   she has lived out those words of
                                                                                   wisdom for most of her life.  She
                                                                                   married the love of her life, her
                                                                                   soul mate, and thought they would
                                                                                   “ride off into the sunset together,”
                                                                                   but that was not to be, and she
                                                                                   has lived as a widow for many
                                                                                   years.  Again, she made the best
                                                                                   of the situation and sought out a
                                                                                   job with RSVP.  Gloria has made it
                                                                                   more than a job.  She has made it
                                                                                   her life’s mission – to seek out and
                                                                                   befriend all who come her way.

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