Page 50 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 50




                                                                                                       by Kim May

         Living with dementia presents many   a day are turning 65 for the next 15   Home Care Assistance has a method
         life-altering challenges, not only   years.  One in nine of them will have   to help manage the change.  We
         for the individual but also for their   some form of dementia.           equip families, friends, facilities
         family, friends and community.                                           and our community with skills that
         People diagnosed with dementia       The cause of dementia has become    can help.  Members of our staff are
         and their caregivers need a strong   a personal platform for me since my   licensed coaches for “Dementia
         emotional and social support         mother’s diagnosis.  My 89-year-old   Live”, a simulation providing
         system.  Much of the information     father expects his wife of 72 years   individuals with a personal
         available can leave people with      to behave as she always has, and he   experience of dementia.  It changes
         feelings of despair and hopelessness,   quickly becomes frustrated with her.    lives.  Spouses leave the experience
         when what they need most is          In the beginning stages, a person   empowered to interact with their
         direction on how to live with its    was able to swindle my parents      mate in new ways.  Employees
         physical and emotional aspects.      out of several thousand dollars.  As   of eldercare facilities gain a new
                                              business owners in a small town,    perspective on how to better care for
         The team at Home Care Assistance     they had visited the local bank     their patients.
         is proactive in addressing the       multiple times each week for over
         impact that dementia has and         50 years.  If the bank employees    The simulation utilizes head gear
         will increasingly have on our        had been aware of the symptoms of   that creates confusion, gloves that
         community. 10,000 Baby Boomers       dementia, the situation might have   impact the sense of touch and
                                                               been averted.      glasses that provide binocular
                                                                                  vision, in order to illustrate the
                                                               The subject of     unfamiliar challenges a dementia
       • Dementia is a syndrome in which there is              dementia can       patient experiences. Participants are
        deterioration in memory, thinking, behavior and the
        ability to perform everyday activities.                be difficult to    given a series of tasks to complete
                                                                                  within a specified time period.
                                                               address. Some
       • Although dementia mainly affects older people, it is   families hide     The exercise and the discussion
        not a normal part of aging.                            it because they    afterward empower them with
       • Worldwide, around 50 million people have dementia,    can’t accept       knowledge, empathy and new skills
        and there are nearly 10 million new cases every year.  the changes        for engagement.  (This experience is
       • Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of        they witness in    not intended to diagnose dementia.
        dementia and may contribute to 60–70% of cases.        their loved one.   Individuals with dementia should
       • Dementia is one of the major causes of disability and   Transitioning to   not participate.)
        dependency among older people worldwide.               a new “normal”
       • Dementia has a physical, psychological, social, and   requires more      The emotional aspect of this
                                                               of families
                                                                                  experience is huge.  Recently, a
        economic impact, not only on people with dementia,
        but also on their careers, families and society at large.  than most      woman shared the realization
                                                                                  that she had been angry with her
                                                               are equipped
       • Approximately 5.8 million Americans are living with   to manage.         husband for having dementia.
        Alzheimer’s.  By 2050, it is expected to be 14 million.  Communication    We listened as she dealt with
                                                               is key.            overwhelming emotions.  She

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