Page 54 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 54


                             REACH OUT

                           TO OTHERS

                            by Ken Branum, Chaplain
                            High Plains Senior Care Hospice

                                   hen I was growing     contact was made, and the     patients but also to families
                                   up, I was raised to   visits ended. I wrote it off as   of patients.  We help them
                          Wshow intentional              part of life which I now regret.   “Reach Out” themselves to
                          respect. I was taught to say,   The same thing repeated      those from whom they have
                          “Yes, Sir” and “Yes, Ma’am”,   itself when we moved back     been separated for years.
                          and it became a habit that has   to Canyon. We had great     We have often seen mental
                          stayed with me. Our neighbors   intentions to stay in contact   and physical pain alleviated
                          became family, and we all      with loved ones, and we       because the patient or family
                          watched out for each other.    always planned to call, write   chose to “Reach Out”.
                          As I look back on those days,   or visit TOMORROW, but then
                          I really do appreciate and     tomorrow turned into weeks,   I heard a song last week that
                          miss them. We didn’t lock      which turned into months,     reinforced my thoughts.  “If
                          our doors, and we even left    and then into years, and the   Tomorrow Never Comes”,
                          the keys in our cars. Today,   relationships have faded away.   by Garth Brooks, brought to
                          many people don’t know         Hopefully, it is not too late to   mind many friends, relatives
                          their neighbors. They dash     still “Reach Out” to them!    and loved ones I haven’t
                          into the house after work and                                “Reached Out” to for a long
                          lock the doors, never meeting   We used to regularly thank   time; I hope it is not too late
                          neighbors or even learning     members of the service -      to contact them, renew the
                          their names.  We justify the   military, fire, police, and other   friendship and let them know
                          lack of friendship by thinking   service personnel, but do we   that I haven’t forgotten them.  I
                          we are just too busy. Maybe it   remember to do so today? I   hope, in reading this, you will
                          is time to “Reach Out.”        have become lax in showing    be inspired to “Reach Out”
                                                         my appreciation to the men    to those who come into your
                          I remember annual family       and women who work to keep    thoughts.
                          reunions from my childhood,    us free and safe, and I regret
                          and we often spent our Friday   it.  The great thing is that it is   I recently received a call
                          and Saturday evenings at       not too late to do it now. These   from the son of one of our
                          Uncle Jack’s and Aunt Moe’s    people leave their homes and   patients requesting me to
                          house. They had a television   family each day for us, and   visit his dad who was not
                          set, and my dad and uncle      for that we should all “Reach   doing well. Of course, I said
                          always watched Friday Night    Out” to them and thank them   yes.   We discussed meeting
                          Boxing. We made the effort     from our hearts.              that evening but decided that
                          to “Reach Out” and maintain                                  the next morning would be
                          close relationships.           The Bible reminds us to “Love   fine. I received a call later that
                                                         your neighbor”.  Do we really   evening, letting me know that
                          When I grew older, my family   do that? Are we “Reaching     his dad had died. “Tomorrow”
                          moved to a small town in       Out” with love to family,     never came for me to “Reach
                          Oklahoma (Waynoka) for         friends, neighbors and those   Out” to him.
                          several years. When we first   who serve us in society?
                          moved there, many friends                                    I sincerely hope that each of
                          and relatives came to visit, and   Throughout my years in Home   us will “Reach Out” to others
                          we stayed in touch. However,   Care and Hospice, I have been   today before “Tomorrow
                          as time moved forward, less    blessed to work with teams    Never Comes”!
                                                         who “Reach Out”, not only to

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