Page 41 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 41

                              Walking                                                   the

                                    by Lisa Goode                                       Wonder

                  ant a simple, low-cost and effective exercise   coordinate with one another and improve memory
                  program that can be performed almost          function.  Findings suggest that exercise does not need
          Wanywhere?  Walking is an activity that almost        to be prolonged or intense to benefit the brain, and that
          anyone can participate in at some level.  If you have been   exercise can change people’s brains and minds right
          discouraged because you believe that you must walk at   away, without requiring weeks of working out.  (3)
          a rapid pace or complete 10,000 steps a day to get any
          benefit from a walking program, I have some good news   In the words of Dr. Thomas Frieden, the director of the
          for you!  Several recent studies have provided some   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Walking is
          encouraging information.                              the closest thing we have to a wonder drug.”

          A study done by the University of Massachusetts,      1
          Amherst, with adults age 21 to 85, has shown that        Retrieved from the website on 6/12/19:
          walking cadence (speed) is a reliable measure of exercise   “International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical
          intensity.  Federal guidelines call for 150 minutes of   Activity” February 2019.
          “moderate” or 75 minutes of “vigorous” exercise each
          week.  Moderate intensity is defined as 100 steps per   2     Retrieved from the website on 6/12/19:
          minute, vigorous as 130 steps per minute.  The natural   “The Atlantic” May 31, 2019; referencing a study by I-Min Lee
          walking pace of 90% of the study participants was above   published in the “Journal of the American Medical Association”.
          the moderate pace threshold.  Researchers noted, “If
          you ask people to walk their normal speed, they will   3     Retrieved from the website on 6/12/19:
          probably walk above 100 steps per minute”.  (1)         Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences published in
                                                                  9/2018, published in the New York edition 10/29/18.
          What about the guideline of 10,000 steps per day?  I-Min
          Lee, a professor of epidemiology at the Harvard
          University T.H. Chan School of Public Health, was
          curious about this also.  She searched for the origin
          of the 10,000 step per day guideline and discovered
          that it was a marketing strategy!  In 1965, a Japanese
          company was selling pedometers, and they gave it a
          name that, in Japanese, means “the 10,000-step meter”.
          The Japanese character for “10,000” looks like a man   •  Proudly Ranked in the Top 10%
          walking.  As far as Dr. Lee could determine, the actual   •
          health merits of that number have never been validated
          by research. So, she designed a study that observed   •
          the step totals and mortality rates of more than 16,000   Average
          elderly American women. She found that at 4,400
          steps per day, the women had significantly lower      •
          mortality rates compared to the least active women.
          When they did more, mortality rates continued to
          drop UNTIL they reached 7,500 steps, at which point                             •  All Private Rooms
          the rates leveled out.  Ultimately, increasing daily
          physical activity by as little as 2,000 steps – less than                       •
          a mile of walking – was associated with positive                                •  Daily Physician Management
          health outcomes for elderly women.  In 2018, the                                •
          American Heart Association released new guidelines                                  apy
          to emphasize the importance of even short bursts
          of activity, which had previously been dismissed as                             •  Respiratory therapy
          inconsequential.  (2)

          There is also some research that indicates that just                                     - fax: 806.740.8579
          10 minutes of mild exercise can immediately alter                        www.TRHL.ErnestHealth.Com
          how certain parts of the brain communicate and                             4302 Princeton Street
                                                                                       Lubbock 79415

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