Page 18 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Fall 2019- Online Magazine
P. 18
Deeper Meaning at
Pantex Plant
by Ashlee Estlack
Patriotism. 9/11 tragedy was built right here at
the Pantex Plant. That connection? A
According to Merriam-Webster, piece of steel from the World Trade
patriotism is a love for or devotion Center. World Trade Center for a memorial
to one’s country.
This steel was incorporated as monument. Once onsite, the steel
For those who work at the Pantex part of a permanent memorial was cut in Pantex’s Machine Shop.
Plant, patriotism is also tied to the monument to those lost on 9/11 and “It is important that we can
day-to-day mission of the work they can be found outside of the Pantex visually see something tangible and
do. Fire Department. realize that what we do at Pantex
Every year, when our nation “It is extremely appropriate that is important to our freedom and
observes Patriot Day, we are we place this memorial in front of the American way of life,” said
reminded of the tragedy of the the building that houses our first Donovan Morgan, retired Pantex
attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, and those responders, because it serves as Fire Department battalion chief, who
memories are forever ingrained in a symbol of our gratitude for the spearheaded the memorial initiative.
the minds and hearts of Americans. service they provide to this Plant,” Craft Supervisor and member of the
Those events forever bound the Mark Padilla, Assistant Manager Navy Reserve John Herrera oversaw
nation together in Patriotism, and for Programs and Projects with the work done on the steel in the
the memories of that day will NNSA Production Office (NPO), Machine Shop. “I revere the World
never be forgotten. Each year, the said at the monument’s dedication Trade Center steel just as I would a
anniversary of the September 11 in 2013. “It also serves as a bridge piece of steel from the USS Arizona,”
tragedy brings Americans together between our first responders and the he said. “On the USS Arizona, we
to remember the bravery of both first responders who gave their lives had military personnel from the
first responders and everyday on that fateful day.” Navy and the Marines die on board
Plans to create the monument at when it sank. At the World Trade
As lasting tribute to those first Pantex began in 2009 with a letter to Center, we had civilians die from the
responders and everyday heroes, a the Port Authority of New York and deliberate attack.”
memorial with a connection to the New Jersey requesting a piece of the
18 Amarillo Senior Link