Page 29 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Spring 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 29


           Sustain Your



          by Richard Houston

                 marillo seniors, like all   In fact, physical activity is one
                 mature adults, want to      way to promote growth of new
          Asustain their memory              neurons in the hippocampus. You
          function, their mental acuity and   can start today. Get out for a brisk
          robust health throughout the later   walk, and your brain will benefit.
          decades of life. Research reveals   Scores of other research projects
          that healthy lifestyle habits can add   document additional benefits to   be active falter. All plans encounter
          years to a lifespan and improve    the brain from physical activity.   obstacles. Anticipate roadblocks
          the quality of life in our 60s, 70s,   Harvard Medical School expert   and define contingency plans. If
          80s and beyond. Navigating these   John Ratey, M.D. calls BDNF, a     you plan to walk for 15 minutes
          decades, however, is not without   brain protein, “MiracleGro for the   four times a week, expect that
          risk. The National Institutes of   brain.” Physical activity revs up   unexpected issues will obstruct one
          Health reports that 40-45% of      production of BDNF as well.        or more of your outings.
          people over 60 experience some
          form of memory impairment. As      However, our track record on the   So, what’s your backup plan?
          memory falters, everyone worries   ‘physical activity’ front does not
          about further deterioration of     impress. The CDC reports that      ‘Mature’ adults can improve
          mental faculties.                  more than 60% of Americans do      their memory function and
                                             not meet recommended standards     support their cognitive acuity
          For years, brain science held that   for physical activity. More      with regular physical activity. In
          our brains do not generate new     problematic, 25% of us don’t have   future columns, we will address
          neuron growth. Adults have about   any kind of exercise regimen at all.   additional activities to keep your
          the same number of neurons in      If the benefits of regular physical   brain in tip-top shape and to
          their brain as they did at birth   movement are so compelling, why    promote robust health in the later
          – less, in fact - since maturation   are so many seniors leaving those   years of our lives. In our next
          involves pruning neural circuits   benefits ‘on the table’?           column, we will tackle the subject
          that are not used. However, recent                                    of resilience and offer readers a
          discoveries have revealed that     Our own original research          free 8-page report, personalized
          the hippocampus – a seahorse       with 1600 Silicon Valley adults    and based on your own individual
          shaped component of our brain      reveals powerful psychological     responses.
          that plays a critical role in memory   issues at work for people who
          formation and storage – has the    are physically inactive. The vast
          capacity to generate new neurons.   majority of sedentary seniors have   Richard Houston conducted original
          But wait, the news gets better:    no exercise plan. The quality of a   research with a sample of 1600 adults
          we can actually stimulate that     plan is crucial to its success. Folks   on the psychological dimensions
          process and promote the process of   beginning a new exercise regimen   of healthy lifestyle habits. He is a
          neurogenesis.                      need to start small and take very   graduate of Brown University, holds
                                             gradual steps in the direction of   a Doctorate in Education and was
          Former director of the Center      a rigorous habit – step by small   licensed by the Massachusetts Board
          for Disease Control, (CDC), Tom    step. Lose the plan for a marathon.   of Psychology. He has had long
          Frieden, M.D., has said “We know   Further, sedentary seniors have a   term consulting relationships with
          that … being active is the closest   nasty habit of drawing negative   several continuing care retirement
          thing we have to a wonder drug.”    conclusions when their attempts to   communities.

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