Page 16 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Spring 2022 - Online Magazine
P. 16


              Estalene Morrell

              “Mema” Strong

                                                                                                 of who you are
                                                                                                 or where you
                                                                                                 come from,
                                                                                                 she has always

              by Canon Perkins                                                                   got room in
                                                                                                 her house and
                                                                                                 even more in
                                                                                                 her heart. If you
                   y great grandmother,       think you are, it takes                            are a stranger,
                   Mema, has had a massive    real strength to know
           Mimpact on my life and             when you need help.                                she will ensure
                                                                                                 that you are
           will always be someone I look to
           with compassion, respect, and love.   If you were to ask me the most   practically family by the end of the
                                              important ingredient needed to     day. While there are many people
           There are many essential qualities   make a Mema is, I’d tell you that   in my life who have shown me
           that make Mema amazing, not the    the first thing you’ll need is love   how to love, it has been Mema who
           least of which is her strength, and   because, if there is one thing I’ve   showed me what it's like to live by
           I mean that in every sense of that   learned, it's that it is impossible to   love.
           word. You may be strong enough     have a Mema without love. In a
           to bench press a truck, but are you   world where discord and conflict   When you are spending time
                                                                                 at a grandparent’s house,
           strong enough to endure years      are commonplace, it is never a bad
           of moving homes, while raising     thing to have some love, and if love   the atmosphere is sometimes
                                                                                 difficult to put into words. I can
           three kids? You may lift weights   were a currency, then Mema would
           for five days straight, but can you   be rich. Mema knows that love is   only describe Mema’s home
                                                                                 as an epicenter of security,
           overcome                                              incredibly
           multiple trips                                        contagious      entertainment, and enjoyment, a
                                                                                 place where nobody stays upset
           to the hospital                                       and enjoys
           and find the                                          watching        for long. When I was little, a trip
                                                                                 to Mema’s house was treated with
           strength to                                           it spread
           keep going?                                           as much as      the same level of celebration and
                                                                                 jubilation as a holiday. There are
           You could                                             possible. I’m
           even scare the                                        convinced       few rules at Mema’s house, but
                                                                                 the most important of them is that,
           boogeyman                                             that the
           into buying a                                         concept is      so long as you are under her roof,
                                                                                 nobody will ever feel unwelcome,
           night light, but                                      hardwired
           do you practice                                       into her        unhappy, or unloved. A hello and
                                                                                 a hug will let you know that you
           composure,                                            DNA
           strength, and compassion to such   because it comes to her almost as   are in the right place; a game of
                                                                                 Uno or Rummikub will remind
           a degree that those traits embed   naturally as breathing. Sometimes,
           themselves in the genes of over    we can get tired of being nice to   you whose house it is; and a
                                                                                 healthy helping of Chicken Bits
           three generations and counting?    everybody we encounter, but not
           You may be strong, but are you     her. If you are feeling down and   and Tater Tot Casserole guarantees
                                                                                 that nobody ends the day on an
           Mema strong?  Of course, it wasn’t   need someone to go to, you can bet
           easy, and she couldn’t do it all   that Mema has some love, cooked    empty stomach. But perhaps the
                                                                                 most striking aspect of the house
           alone, but this was one of the most   and ready to serve, 24/7. When it
           important things that Mema taught   comes to compassion, the door is   is its tranquility, peacefulness, and
                                                                                 constant comfort. After all the time
           me: no matter how strong you       always open at Mema’s. Regardless

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