Page 34 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021 - Online Magazine
P. 34

hands-on learning                                                                   received her
           experiences.                                                                        law degree from
           She authored                                                                        Emory University
           news articles,                                                                      in 2016, where
           wrote curricula,                                                                    she specialized in
           delivered speeches,                                                                 international law
           and presented                                                                       and securities law.
           workshops on
           space science.                                                                      Dr. Hodges and
                                                                                               her husband
           Also, while in                                                                      reside in a very
           Nigeria, she met                                                                    active retirement
           and married                                                                         community,
           her husband,                                                                        where yoga and
           Dave Hutton,                                                                        golf and countless
           an international                                                                    other stimulating
           oil engineer and                                                                    activities occupy
           talented musician.                                                                  their time. She
           Upon their return                                                                   has a daughter,
           to Florida, Jane                                                                    Lara Carter, and a
           expanded her                                                                        grandson, Chase;
           publishing business                                                                 stepchildren, Neil
           into “Edisto Press                                                                  and Nat Hutton
           – International                                                                     of Thailand, and
           Consulting                                                                          Gary and Sarah
           and Publishing                                                                      Hutton; and step-
           Company”.                                                                           grandchildren,
           She wrote and                                                                       Fraser and Jessica
           published Journey                                                                   of Scotland.
           Through Air, Space
           & Space Activities                 once again. She formally retired                 The lifelong
           for the New Millennium and edited   in 2007 but has maintained her    learner and enthusiastic teacher
           a Nigerian science textbook.       involvement in space education. In   continues to communicate her
           She received numerous grants       addition, as she has accompanied   passion for the aerospace industry
           to translate space publications    her husband on international       and believes it is important for
           into different languages; became   business trips for Shell Oil Co.,   young girls to realize that females
           the Director of Education in the   she's had the opportunity to       now have all the opportunities
           Society for Performers, Artists,   present aerospace workshops        once available only to men. Noted
           Athletes, and Celebrities for Space   in such diverse countries as    physicist, Stephen Hawking, is
           Exploration (Stars 4 Space); and   Azerbaijan, Dubai (UAE),           quoted as saying, “Remember to
           was inducted into the National     Australia, Trinidad/ Tobago,       look up at the stars and not down
           Congress on Aviation and Space     Ireland, and Nova Scotia.          at your feet.  Try to make sense of
           Education’s “Crown Circle”.        Her storied life continues. She    what you see and wonder about
                                                                                 what makes the universe exist.  Be
           After more teaching stints in      is a Master SCUBA Diver, an        curious.”  Jane has not only looked
           Florida and Moscow, she was        international photographer,        up, wondered and been curious;
           thinking about retiring, but an    and has worked or studied in       she has spent her entire career –
           opportunity arose to teach in      80 countries. Her passion for      her entire life – enticing others to
           Japan. So, Dr. Hodges moved to     education even led Jane to a       do so, as well.
           Yokota Air Base in Tokyo to teach   postretirement career in law. She

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