Page 17 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021 - Online Magazine
P. 17
by Donna Alexander
few years ago, I began final, but many of my
keeping a gratitude journal – clients are excited to
A nothing fancy – just a quick be selling their home,
list of 25 things that crossed my streamlining their
mind. So, every morning, I jot down lives and looking
some things that I am grateful to forward to a new
have in my life. Sometimes my list chapter. In fact,
includes creature comforts, like my it seems, that the
home, my car, or my comfortable transaction moves
bed. Sometimes it’s more universal, along smoother and
like the warmth of the sunshine, with less stress if the
fresh air, and clean water. Or more client can be grateful
spiritual things, like the love of God, for the time spent in
the ability to love others and the their home, appreciate
beauty in the world. Most often it that it was a great
includes friends and family (I do place to raise a family
have two adorable grandkids). It or build a career, and
may sound obvious, but I have then lovingly prepare it
learned that by focusing on the for another thankful homeowner. Let me help you get started: I am
so grateful for my lovely home, the
things to be grateful for, my attitude I see many who are excited about
is better. After having a frustrating moving closer to their kids and protection it has provided, the fun
we shared in this house, and the
conversation with my husband, I grandkids, giving up lawn care and
often list the things about him that home maintenance, grateful to be holidays we celebrated.
I appreciate. We may still have a entering a new phase of life. And If you make a daily habit of focusing
difference of opinion, but it does even though there will be pangs of on the good things in your life (like
remind me of all his wonderful sadness at the thought of what was, your freedom from homeownership,
traits. I encourage you to find those things the social aspect of your new place,
to appreciate and make a list. Keep the care you’ll receive) the positive
In working with my senior clients, those things in mind as you prepare
whom I like to call “Boomers and for the move. Keep your list handy attitude will be like a paintbrush
adorning your life with beautiful
Betters”, I often run into situations for those times when you feel a little
that could be construed as sad or blue. color.
17 Amarillo Senior Link