Page 15 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Winter 2021 - Online Magazine
P. 15
During his three in such dire straits filled Bill’s heart
decades as a Marine, with a new God-inspired vision. Back
Bill rose to fill higher home in Amarillo, he managed to
than top-security solicit thousands of dollars' worth of
roles, starting off as medical equipment and drugs that
a personal guard for were unavailable in Belarus. His stories
German scientist Dr. of how he first carried those supplies
Werner von Braun to hospitals and doctors in Minsk are
and eventually finding breathtaking.
himself in command of
security for the White Along with all of these precious
House and the U.S. supplies, Bill always tucked in dozens
Capitol and similar D.C. of Bibles to give away in a place where
hotspots. During one the Scriptures had been illegal during
funny episode, for six the seven decades of Soviet rule. Bill
weeks he even directed was now a warrior for God, but in the
the U.S. Marine band. years that followed, he says repeatedly
in his book that God was able to use
Little did Bill realize, his former military connections and his
though, what God was identity as a high-level security officer
really getting him ready to open ministry doors in prisons,
to do. All of his over- hospitals, orphanages, and youth
the-top security credentials opened doors for him camps—doors that, until then, had been closed even
to consult with world leaders and U.S. ambassadors to top mission organizations like Prison Fellowship
and military officials (such as the KGB) in over eighty and Focus on the Family and the Billy Graham
nations. Ministries.
After he retired from the Marines, Uncle Sam told Bill While living in Amarillo, Bill led in establishing an
he could not travel outside of the U.S. for ten years. interdenominational mission organization called CIS
He knew too much about too many top-secret matters Foundation. During the 1990s and well into the first
for him to be safe in any foreign land. So, Bill said decade of 2000, Bill led hundreds of Amarillo and
goodbye to his military colleagues and moved home tri-state pastors and doctors and other lay people on
to become a successful business owner here in the mission teams to Belarus and Ukraine. In those highly
tri-state area. successful years, they distributed over a million
New Testaments and Bibles, they legally imported
That decade passed quickly, though, and a host of medical supplies worth millions of dollars, and they
huge companies got in line to recruit this world- constructed magnificent churches in the shadow of
traveler to use his international contacts to sell all Chernobyl.
sorts of electronic and communication software and
gear. Bill agreed to represent them in Russia and While he coordinated and led these amazing overseas
other post-Iron Curtain countries only if they would missions, Bill was marvelously active and successful
pay for dear Arlene to accompany him overseas. in uniting and inspiring faith leaders here at home.
No more lengthy separations like the ones they had Because of Bill’s enthusiasm and vision, Franklin
endured during his military assignments. Graham came to Amarillo in 2000, where Graham and
his team enjoyed what they called his most successful
While working in Moscow and Budapest and Belarus, evangelistic crusade up to that point. Busloads
Bill was shocked to see how badly the inhabitants of people came from five states to fill Dick Bivins
of former Russian lands were suffering from severe Stadium and hear the word of the Lord. It never
shortages of almost everything—but especially of would have happened without the dreams and drive
food and medicine. Seeing so many good people of Bill Duncan.
Amarillo Senior Link 15