Page 58 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021 - Online Magazine
P. 58

Larry Barnett
                                                               Bronze Star Recipient

                                                               by Diana Barnett

                                                         several of the young    all the time under heavy enemy
                                                         men of A company.       fire. The Specialist repeated
                                                         The remaining APCs      this action four more times.
                                                         slid to a halt. The     The medic, Doc John Henyan,
                                                         rest of the tracks,     attended to all the wounded
                                                         faced with the NVA      warriors before the choppers
                                                         onslaught, opened       arrived. This confrontation lasted
                                                         fire. Small arms fire,   more than eleven hours. Of the
                                                         mortars, grenades,      twenty-eight infantrymen from A
                                                         and the choking         Company, only eight survived to
                                                         odor of gun smoke       tell the story.
                                                         permeated the air.
                                                                                 Larry Barnett was born in rural
                                                         Specialist Barnett,     Memphis, Texas on July 12, 1947,
                                                         hearing the screams     to Robert L. and Oleta Barnett.
                                                         drifting from the       He graduated from Lubbock
                                                                                 High School in 1965. He met the
                                                                                 love of his life, Diana Nicholson,
                                                                                 in 1970 while registering for
               t was a warm sticky morning                                       Texas Tech. Four months later,
               in August, a few miles                                            they tied the eternal knot on
            Inorthwest of Quang Ngãi,                                            January 4, 1971. They lived
            a city in the northern part of                                       in Lubbock for about a year
            South Vietnam. The year was                                          before relocating to Phillips, 180
            1969. A thick crust of mud                                           miles north of Lubbock. Larry
            plastered the APC’s (Armored                                         went to work for Phillips 66 Oil
            Personnel Carrier) noisy tracks                                      Company as a pump and engine
            and the boots of a small platoon                                     mechanic. After 13 years in
            of 28 men from First Infantry                                        Phillips, Larry and Diana bought
            Brigade of the U.S. Army. The      crippled track, noticing his      a house in Fritch, Texas.  After
            ceaseless rains had temporarily    brothers pinned to the side of the   24 years, he retired from Phillips
            ceased. A 22-year-old Specialist,   APCs, and realizing an enemy     Oil and started a new career
            Larry Gene Barnett, packing        enforcement had to be silenced    as an independent catastrophe
            an M-16 rifle over his right       before the wounded soldiers       insurance adjuster. Larry and
            shoulder and a PRC-25 radio        in the disabled track could be    Diana have been blessed with
            strapped to his back, straddled    extracted, assaulted the enemy    three children: Michelle, Robert,
            a stack of sandbags atop "The      position. Ignoring enemy fire     and Lori, eight grandchildren
            War Lord", one of the six APCs     directed solely at him, Larry     and one great-grandson.
            sweeping the area for hostile      maneuvered his way near an
            forces, when a heavily fortified   NVA stronghold and tossed in
            North Vietnamese Army of           a pair of grenades, destroying
            undetermined size opened fire      it. Minutes after, Larry wormed
            on them while they were crossing   his way through the mud to the
            open terrain. Three RPGs (Rocket   injured track, dragged one of his
            Propelled Grenades) struck         wounded brothers from the APC,
            the lead track (tank), "The Eve    tossed the legless soldier over his
            of Destruction", and sent it       right shoulder and trudged to
            careening into a creek bed, killing   the cover of the remaining tracks,

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