Page 38 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021 - Online Magazine
P. 38


                               Give Them                           Roots,

                          Give Them                          Wings                            by Mabry Payne

                              A                          known as Papaw. My Papaw
                                    quote I once read by
                                                         was a WWII veteran who had
                                    an unknown author
                                    said this: “History is
                                                         as a typist and an airplane
                              who we are and why we are   been stationed in England
                              the way we are. History is not   inspector. He began telling us
                              just the past. History is the   stories of his time in England,
                              present.” I wholeheartedly   and my family and I sat there
                              believe this quote to be true,   for hours, listening intently.
                              and although I am only     My dad even pulled out a
                              19 years old, I have spent   video camera and filmed
                              countless hours studying,   as my Papaw spoke, so we
                              reading, and listening to   could capture his memories
                              others speak about history   and keep them forever.
                              and its importance in our   This is the moment when I
                              lives. When I think back to   realized just how important   of us, packed with tales of
                              my childhood school days in   history is, not only to our   love, struggle, loss, joy, and
                              history class, my memories   past but also to our present.   so much more. Listening
                              are flooded with a myriad of   History helps us develop   to my grandfather’s stories
                              names and dates attached to   a better understanding of   that day opened my eyes to
                              events long over, featuring   the world, for without the   the importance of learning
                              people long dead. What was   stories and lessons of the past,   about history, and his past
                              the point of learning it all?   how would we ever learn to   encouraged me to dive
                              Why did it matter so much   approach the future? History   deeper than the surface
                              that I knew when Christopher   paints a detailed picture of   when studying it myself.
                              Columbus crossed the       how society came to be, how   Building our knowledge
                              Atlantic to “discover”     it has grown, and how we,   and understanding of
                              America? Why did it matter   as humans, have blossomed   historical events and figures
                              that I understood why the   into who we are today.     enables us to develop a
                              Patriots of the American   History helps us understand   greater appreciation for
                              colonies fought so hard to   ourselves, and it is a valuable   those who went before us.
                              gain their freedom from Great   tool for understanding those   So, I encourage you to ask
                              Britain’s tyrannical rule?   who are different from us. We   your older family members
                              It all seemed so pointless,   know that every person has a   questions about their pasts,
                              until one day my questions   unique heritage, ancestry, and   talk to friends about their
                              were answered in a single   upbringing. The only way   life experiences, and read
                              afternoon.                 to live fully is to learn from   plenty of books because, as
                                                         those who came before us and   Marcus Garvey so famously
                              I was sitting in the backyard   to remember who they were.   said, “A people without the
                              of my Great-Aunt Jo’s house,                           knowledge of their past
                              having lunch with my family   History is more than just a   history, origin and culture is
                              and talking with my Great-  living record of people and   like a tree without roots.”
                              Grandfather, affectionately   dates. It is the woven story

                                According to John W. Gardner “History never looks like history when you are living
                                through it.” But once it has occurred, it becomes valuable information that can contribute
                                to wisdom and maturity. Senior Link values people’s stories, and we are always looking
                                for good ones. Recently, we have begun to collect the stories of communities, like the ones
                                in this issue about the TEXAS Outdoor Musical, the 6666 Ranch, and the city of Plainview.
                                We would love to hear more about the early days of Amarillo and other places in the Pan-
                                handle. Please contact us if you know someone willing to share. Mabry Payne is young,
                                but we hope her thoughts on history inspire you to respect your own past.  ~ Editor

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