Page 14 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Summer 2021 - Online Magazine
P. 14
creating lots of small western pieces go bigger with their plans. After
in bronze. Two years later, Phil was they shared their vision with
ready to move on, so he gave his Mickey, he threw himself into the
equipment to Mickey who then set project of a lifetime. The work
up a small foundry in his garage and took eight years, but the Shrine of
launched Southwest Bronze. That Christ’s Passion now has 44 life-
was 27 years ago. size bronze sculptures depicting
some of the “moments in time” in
In 2014, the Thomas family of Jesus’ grueling journey to the cross.
Groom began their search for an Mickey says the shrine is brilliantly
artist who could recreate the 14 laid out over 15 acres on a winding
scenes of Christ’s final hours around path, intentionally obscuring the
their newly installed 19-story cross. scene ahead. Each of the depictions
Several artists were in the running, in the last few hours of the life of
and Mickey Wells submitted one of Christ is dramatically moving –
his small bronze western sculptures. “especially when you round the
Before he won the bid, the bishop corner and see the scene of the
of the Amarillo diocese made him crucifixion. Most people are moved
promise not to put cowboy boots on to tears.”
Jesus. That project, which resulted in
27 life-size figures, took almost six The actual process is very physical
years to complete and continues to and even dangerous. The “lost
be seen by nearly 1000 visitors every wax” technique involves at least
day. 18 steps, utilizing a 3D scanner,
lots of clay, silicone, plaster, wax,
The Shillings from Indiana were and investment material. The
among those tourists. The life-size oven is heated up to over 2100
bronze statues inspired them to degrees so the bronze can
be poured into the mold.
Each figure was cast in message narrated by journalist Bill
pieces at Southwest Bronze Kurtis. Admission is free.
in Amarillo. Mickey’s
huge furnaces, hoists and After the stations were finished,
hydraulic lifts enabled him scenes of the Last Supper,
to handle the work. He Resurrection, and Ascension
would finish one or two, were added. Frank Shilling
load them up in his trailer, still had space, so he hauled in
and drive the 1,058 miles to dozens more truckloads of rock
St. John. He made the trip to create a realistic backdrop for a
24 times, usually without depiction of Moses delivering the
stopping for the night. 10 commandments as he descends
Mount Sinai.
Today, tourists flock by the
thousands to experience The Groom and St. John exhibits
“the Passion”. Each station are just two of the prolific artist’s
has its own original music masterpieces. A statue of Apollo
written by the Chicago 12 astronaut Alan Bean graces the
Philharmonic and a Wheeler (TX) History Museum, and
14 Amarillo Senior Link