Page 13 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Summer 2020- Online Magazine
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Featuring:                                                        We believe you and your loved one deserve

                                                                           to be loved and treated with respect, and

                Family-style assisted living                               we believe you need peace of mind. We
                                                                           provide that with the best team around.
                Excellent caregiver to resident ratios
                One-on-one activities, with safe social distancing
                Delicious home-cooked, dietician approved menus             COME SEE WHAT MAKES BEEHIVE
                                                                            HOMES OF AMARILLO SO SPECIAL!
                Restricted access to only medically necessary personnel
                All staff and visitors are required to wear a mask while at the home
                Staff members are screened daily with temperature checks and  We know you must be feeling anxious
                questionnaire about recent contact and travels              and scared about making a move into an
                Private rooms each with a private 3/4 bath, reducing the risk of   Assisted Living Home right now. You
                infection                                                     can Bee Safe at BeeHive Homes of
                Family visits are scheduled and facilitated within social distancing  Amarillo! Make a move in July 2020
                parameters. Virtual visits are encouraged                    and get your admission fee WAIVED!

                                         CALL TODAY!    806-221-2625 | | 5800 SW 54th St, Amarillo, TX
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