Page 10 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Summer 2019- Online Magazine
P. 10


          Kenneth Pirtle

                                                                                                 Ken began teaching
          The Artist Within                                                                      photography
                                                                                                 at Amarillo College
                                                                                                 in 1975. His
                                                                                                 areas of teaching
                                                                                                 expertise included
         by Kenneth Pirtle and Jelaine Workman      tickets to all home football                 Photography,
                                                    games since he graduated.     Adobe Photoshop, History
                enneth Pirtle was born              He hasn’t missed many, if     of Photography, Alternative
                February 12, 1948 and grew    any, games in all these years.      Photographic Processes, traditional
         Kup in Levelland, Texas. He          Ken and Tarrie Sue moved to         and digital photography. Professor
         met his future wife, Tarrie Sue, in   Amarillo in 1971 for Ken to go to   Pirtle also served as chairman of the
                                                                                  Visual Arts Department. He retired
         the 2nd grade at South Elementary    work at the American Quarter Horse
         in Levelland. They dated some in     Association to do layout for their   on August 1, 2008 - 33 years after he
                                                                                  began teaching.
         high school but did not get serious   magazine. He left there in 1972 to
         in the relationship until they went   work at Channel 7 as an artist and   Tarrie Sue has a bachelor's degree in
         to Texas Tech in 1967. They married   photographer while completing      Chemistry and taught that subject
         in February 1969. Ken spent one      his master's degree (Art) from      at Randall High School for 18 years.
         year at South Plains College in      West Texas State.  He remembers     She recently retired from teaching
         Levelland before embarking on a      purchasing a Volkswagen for $50     at Ascension Academy in Amarillo.
         degree in Advertising Art, with a    to drive back and forth to Canyon.   Ken and Tarrie raised two children
         minor in Photography, from Texas     It did not go over 55 miles per     in Amarillo - Suzy who lives in
         Tech University which he completed   hour and left a trail of smoke as   Wilson, NC and Jeffrey, who works
         in December 1970. He is still an     he chugged down the Canyon          for Universal Studios in Hollywood,
         avid Red Raider fan, having season                                       CA.

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