Page 28 - Amarrilo Senior Link Magazine Spring 2019- Online Magazine
P. 28



                                              a Mentor?

                                                by Marilyn Garrett

                                              When I retired, I suppose my greatest   Who should we mentor or
                                              fear was that I might be bored or   encourage?
                                              useless.  But then, a few young people
         I had crippled through my last year   (ages 17-49) asked if I would mentor   You may think that you have no one
         of teaching and had finally arrived   them.  And before I knew it, I was   to mentor, but there are so many
         at the summer – and retirement and   busy teaching yet again – just in comfy   possibilities:  neighbors, children and
         then the new knee!   I was deeply    clothes, on my own time, one-on-one,   grandchildren, people at church or
         enmeshed in radical change – and in   in my own home.  In addition to the   through other organizations, former
         quite a bit of pain.  I had only been   “regulars”, young people call, text or   co-workers, maybe even people who
         at home a few hours, when a text     come by off and on.                 work where you live.  I heard of
         from an alum arrived.  It read, “Need                                    one church that paired up teens and
         to run something by you.  Are you    This is the very place many of us   seniors for this very purpose.  What a
         home?”  I responded, “Yes, but I just   find ourselves as we get older:  still   great idea!
         got home from the hospital, getting a   connected to people we have known
         knee replacement.”  Clearly, he didn’t   in our recent past (family and   Sometimes, a person may approach
         read past the Yes, so his response   otherwise) and armed with quite a bit   you – such as a neighbor.  Recognize
         was, “Good.  See you in 10.”  In panic   of hard-earned wisdom.          the divine appointment. So often, it is
         mode, I tried to get dressed to meet                                     just easier to turn inward, to our own
         with him.  He had come by to ask                                         narrow set of friends and family, but
         me what I thought                                                        the definition of ministry is being
         about his taking off                              Why should we          willing to be interrupted. It reminds
         a college semester                                be mentors and         me of Jesus, when the woman with the
         to go to the United                               encouragers?           issue of blood touched the hem of His
         Arab Emirates to                                  The WHY to this issue   garment – interruption.
         lead worship in                                   is found in Titus 2
         a church there. I                                 where Paul advises     Sometimes, the Lord may give you
         recognized what an                                pure lives for older   a name, a specific assignment.  And
         education this could                              men and older women    you may be very surprised at who it
         be and knew it                                    and then adds for      is!  I have been.
         would fit his calling.                            them to admonish the
                                                           next generation that   How should you mentor?
         I am a mentor.                                    “in all things showing   Ideally, this relationship or even
         That is what I do.  I                             yourself to be a pattern   encounter should be approached
         taught school for                                 of good works; in      prayerfully, and the truths we share
         30 years – mostly                    doctrine showing integrity, reverence,   should be Bible/truth-based.  For the
         senior English.  My alums – over 1000   incorruptibility, sound speech that   few who come weekly, I enter their
         of them – have my phone number,      cannot be condemned, that one who is   lives through sharing and Bible study.
         my email, my address and are on my   an opponent may be ashamed, having   But I’m also modeling:  how to show
         Facebook.  And my door is a revolving   nothing evil to say of you” (2:7-8).  It   hospitality; how to handle problems
         door.                                is a high calling – and it is a calling for   and problem people; how I cope
                                              us all.                             with loss. They see most of all how I
                                                                                  “acknowledge Him in all my ways.”

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