Page 32 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Fall 2021 - Online Magazine
P. 32


              HELP IS A

                  Phone Call Away

           by Tim Bowles

                  y great-grandfather
                  Bowles was assigned
         Mto the Canadian
          Expeditionary Force and fought
          as an ally with the United States
          in World War I, as a Machine Gun
          Sergeant.  There is a great photo
          of him squatting in full uniform
          in front of his teepee style tent,
          training another soldier in the art
          of using a water-cooled Browning
          machine gun.  My great-grandfather
          saw combat a few times.  During his
          initial tour, he was shot, recovered,
          and then went back for another
          tour.  During his second tour, he
          came down with the Spanish Flu,
          recovered and went back for a third
          tour.  When he returned from his
          third tour, pictures show that he
          had the “thousand-mile stare.”  He
          had most likely seen the killing of
          people of all ages, witnessed bodies
          maimed and watched his friends
          die in combat.  He likely had what
          was known as “shell shock” or what
          we call today Post-Traumatic Stress.

          I never met my great-grandfather,
          but my Bowles family was           Those who have served for or on     suffered from untreated substance
          particularly good at taking and    behalf of the United States military   misuse and mental illness. In the
          keeping photographs. There are     have a high rate of substance       general veteran population, an
          photos of my great-grandfather     misuse and mental health concerns,   organization called Substance
          going to serve and another picture   like Post-Traumatic Stress. As I have   Abuse & Mental Health Services
          of him following his third tour.   worked with the homeless, many      Administration has revealed that
          The before and after pictures of his   of the veterans who have lived on   only 50% of returning veterans who
          service times were night and day.   the streets were very intelligent   need mental health care, will receive

                                             and resourceful. However, most      services.  Many veterans and/or

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