Page 30 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Winter 2020- Online Magazine
P. 30
Real Estate
By Donna Alexander
’ve given a lot of thought to the and no hand shaking. (That was a home as being “open”. But what
current changes in real estate, the hardest thing to get used to.) I’ve heard for several months
Iand the truth is that, logistically, But from a higher vantage point, I now is that the average American
everything has changed. For the realize it’s not the mechanics of the family is searching for more walls.
agents, the mechanics or activities transactions that may have lasting All that openness is great when
have been altered to provide for changes, but the emotions that have kids go to school and parents go
social distancing and minimizing been affected due to the pandemic. to work. But when those activities
exposure - lots of hand washing are being performed at home, some
and wiping down doorknobs and For a number of years, prospects separation is needed.
light switches, more email and have been telling us they’re looking
electronic submission of forms and for “an open floor plan.” And real For years now, the home office has
documents, less meeting in person estate agents are quick to describe been a high priority. Now, multiple
30 Amarillo Senior Link