Page 30 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine 2020 Spring - Online Magazine
P. 30

Bill Walden
                                                              One Family. Five Veterans.

                                                               by Jane Bromley

                                                                                  Battalion) as an equipment driver.
                                                                                  He got his orders and was sent to
                                                                                  Port Hueneme, CA. Upon arrival,
                                                                                  he discovered he was in the “wrong
                                                                                  place”. He was supposed to be
                                                                                  in electrician’s school rather than
                                                                                  driver’s school and later concluded
                                                                                  that the yeoman who had written
                                                                                  his orders had mistakenly typed
                                                                                  “CE” - Construction Electrician
                                                                                  rather than “CD”- Construction
                                                                                  After completing three months
                                                                                  of electrician training, Bill was
                                                                                  ordered to Ft. Monmouth, NJ for
                                                                                  telephone school. The nine-month-
                                                                                  long school afforded the young
            O       ne West Texas family. Five   went home expecting to receive   up and down the east coast. His
                                                                                  Seabee the opportunity to vacation

                                               orders from the Army. Two days
                                                                                  younger brother John thought it
                    men. All veterans.
                    After Ernest Walden        later, however, the recruiter, who   fascinating that Bill was learning so
                                               happened to be Bill’s former Boy
                                                                                  much about telephones because the
            returned from his service in WWI   Scout leader from
            to Olton, Texas, he and his young   Olton, notified him
            wife Alpha became parents to four   that someone had
            strapping boys, Ernest William, Jr.   canceled, and Bill
            (Bill), Paul, Travis, and Amos. This   would be leaving
            is Bill’s story.                   in the morning. A

            He was born in Amherst, Texas, in   train from Lubbock
            1930, and raised on the family farm   to Amarillo to
            in Olton with his three younger    Albuquerque to Los
            brothers. He graduated from high   Angeles delivered him
            school in 1948 and went off to West   to the US Navy in San
            Texas State College for one year,   Diego for boot camp.
            then Texas Technological College   Farm life had
            for two years. WWII had ended in   prepared Bill for a
            1945, but a situation in Korea was   few things, especially
            heating up. Bill was drafted in 1950   driving a tractor. The
            and given nine days to “volunteer”.   Navy agreed that
            Bill tried to enlist in the Navy, but   he would be a good
            the recruiter in Lubbock informed   fit for the Seabees
            him that the roster was full. He   (CB - Construction

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