Page 40 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Summer 2019- Online Magazine
P. 40
Fall Prevention
by Caprock Home
AT HOME Health Therapy
your feet and legs when 7. Poor vision with ineffective
you walk, muscle strength, prescription glasses
balance and walking style.
8. Medication that can possibly be
If your doctor determines you eliminated or consolidated
are a candidate for home health
care, a nurse and/or therapist will 9. Blood pressure that is
come to your home to perform an uncontrolled
evaluation. This will include a
thorough physical eval, including 10. Frequently-used items that
medicine review and a home are placed in difficult-to-reach
One out of three seniors will fall assessment. Next, a plan of care will locations
this year, but fewer than half of be developed by the home health
them will talk with their doctors clinicians that focuses on your
about it, according to the Centers health goals and on making your Home health care clinicians will
for Disease Control and Prevention. home a safer place for you. The plan identify risks and help you eliminate
Falls are the number one cause of of care will prioritize components as many as possible. Most strategies
injuries in seniors, often resulting of your overall health status and to reduce your fall risks are
in hip fractures, cuts, and even will be regularly discussed with you relatively inexpensive and may be
serious head and brain injuries. throughout your time on service. easily installed.
This number will continue to rise
as America’s baby boomers grow Some common fall risks identified Please remember that no single test
older. is an accurate diagnostic tool to
by home health staff include: identify all risks for falls. Given the
As your physical status and health 1. Clutter in walking pathways complex set of factors contributing
conditions change with age, your such as newspapers and to falls in older individuals,
risk of falls will increase. Home magazines combining tests may help predict
health care from skilled nurses and and prevent future falls.
therapists can help reduce falls by
implementing a few key strategies. 2. Extension cords that cross Barbara Brown, a patient with
pathways Caprock Home Health, shared
Here’s how to get started: First, 3. Throw rugs that are not secured some of her experiences:
and most importantly, talk to your
doctor about your fall risk. Discuss Q: How do you feel home health has
your medications that may have 4. No grab bars in the bathroom helped reduce your risk of falling?
side effects that cause dizziness,
unsteadiness, and drowsiness. Also, 5. Poor lighting inside the home A: “It has educated me on things I
go over any health conditions that should and should not do.”
may lead to a fall, such as blurry 6. Improper footwear that may be
vision, ear disorders, joint pain, too slippery or not supportive Q: What are some things we have
shortness of breath, or numbness in enough educated you not to do?
40 Amarillo Senior Link