Page 19 - Amarillo Senior Link Magazine Summer 2019- Online Magazine
P. 19
Astro spring training. One year, reporting for KAMR Local 4 News At 86, Roy McCoy is still sharp
while Roy was at the training camp, in 2008. as a tack. He is still well-known
a tornado struck the motel where throughout the community and the
they were staying. Their room was Roy served on many boards during 26 counties of the Texas Panhandle.
not affected, but the roof was ripped his career with his favorite being the He is the kind of guy who can make
off half of the other rooms. Amarillo Library Board. According you laugh because he knows what
to his daughter, he loves giving to say and when to say it. He was
Although he has been a weatherman back to his community. He also quick-witted on the air but always
for more than 24 years, Roy himself served on the Amarillo Senior serious when it came to the weather
has never seen a tornado. Before the Citizens Association board for many and keeping people safe. He loves
technology we have today, the head years. to have fun, and he was one of the
of the weather department stayed best at presenting the weather.
at the station watching a very small Roy received numerous awards
radar system and manually tracked for his outstanding career as a Congratulations to Roy McCoy for
the weather on paper maps. He television meteorologist - not only being a recipient of Amarillo’s 2019
took the phone calls from people in bringing the weather forecast Older American Month Award. He
the Panhandle who were reporting into people’s homes but keeping continues to Connect, Create and
to him what they were seeing in them safe during severe and Contribute to the Texas Panhandle.
their area. He stands on his porch to unpredictable weather. Roy has
this day, trying to catch a glimpse been off the air for more than a
of one. His son Jay, however, is a decade, but Lisa reports, “It never
storm chaser for KAMR and has ceases to
recently seen five different tornados. amaze me how
many people
When asked why he became a recognize and
meteorologist, Roy said, “I’ll tell reach out to
the story, and hopefully, I get it him. Almost
right.” He worked previously as a everyone has
sportscaster at KAMR-TV. After the a Roy McCoy
chief meteorologist had to resign story about
due to his wife’s health, Roy was how he has
asked to fill in until they found a impacted their
replacement. He did so well that he lives.” She
was asked if he wanted to do the smiled when
job full time. The rest is history. she said, “On
He served as chief meteorologist a recent visit, I
for more than 40 years - mostly took Dad to the
at KAMR. One time, a lady asked Pancake Station
him if he’d made up his name for in Amarillo,
broadcast. Roy answered, “No, I and at least 25
didn’t. My mom did.” people came
up to shake
He retired from the media his hand and
and went to work at the Texas share their Roy
Workforce Commission until story.”
2002. He returned to the media
doing freelance weather and news
Amarillo Senior Link 19